According to the Nyquist Theorem, the sampling rate must be more than twice the maximum frequency component of the signal being measured. 根据Nyquist定理,采样率必须是被测信号最高频率分量的两倍以上。
A note on sampling the sinusoidal signal with Nyquist rate 关于正弦信号Nyquist采样的一个注记
This system allows the transmission speed very close to the Nyquist rate with little sensitivity to delay and amplitude distortion caused by the transmission medium when a large number of channels are used. 这种系统在复用路数无限增加时可以达到奈奎斯特速率,并且对传输媒介引超的延迟和幅度失真不灵敏。
In certain cases we demonstrate the performance exceeding that of algorithms using Nyquist rate sampling while working at lower sampling rates, thus saving power and computational complexity. 通过实例展示了利用奈奎斯特速率抽样而工作在低于奈奎斯特抽样率的算法性能,减少了功耗,也降低了算法的复杂性。
Discussion on sampling the sinusoidal signal with Nyquist rate is presented. 讨论正弦信号的Nyquist率采样问题。
The system can make the total signaling rate very close to the Nyquist rate of given frequency band through the use of a lot of subchannels. 该系统利用大量的子信道使得总的信号速率能够非常接近给定频带的奈奎斯特速率。
Based on time delay technology and MUSIC algorithm, a novel estimating multiple frequencies approach of signal with sampling rate which is least Nyquist sampling rate is presented in this paper. 在信号欠采样环境下,本文基于时延技术和MUSIC算法提出了一种新的信号多频率估计方法。
According to Shannon sampling theorem, however, sampling rate should not be smaller than Nyquist rate, which means that UWB signals have to be sampled at a quite high sampling rate and non-bandlimited signals can not be reconstructed exactly. 根据Shannon采样定理,对信号的采样率不能低于Nyquist率,这就意味着对超宽带信号采样需要很高的采样率,而对于非带限信号更是无法通过采样点准确重建原始信号。
The orthogonally multiplexed QAM ( OQAM) system allows transmission speed very close to the Nyquist rate with little sensitivity to the delay and amplitude distortions introduced by the transmission medium. 正交复用QAM(OQAM)系统传输效率可以接近奈奎斯特速率,并对传输媒介引起的时延和幅度失真不敏感。
Finally, the thesis investigates several other effective signals processing ways the signals can be reconstructed from their samples at less than Nyquist rate under some conditions. 最后讨论了其它几种有效的信号处理方法,证明了在满足一定的条件下,这几种方法也可以由低于Nyquist率的采样点准确重建原信号。
It transforms the digitally modulated signal from short words occurring at high sampling rate to longer words at Nyquist rate. 低字率、高采样频率的数字调制信号被转换成高字率、奈奎斯特频率采样的信号。
Its signal processing speed is far lower than the input Nyquist sampling rate while its matching filter and timed correction recovery can be effectively implemented in the frequency domain. 其特点是信号处理速率比输入Nyquist采样速率低得多,而且其中的匹配滤波器和定时校正恢复可以在频域上有效地实现。
In periodically nonuniform sampling, the sampling rate for a single sampling channel is usually less than the Nyquist rate and accordingly the spectrum of each sample stream is aliasing. 对于周期非均匀采样,由于每个均匀采样流的采样率通常都是小于Nyquist率的,因此,采样信号频谱中会发生频率混叠。
The classical Nyquist theorem says that if the rate for sampling a signal is at least twice the bandwidth of its frequency, signal can be reconstructed without distortion. 经典的奈奎斯特采样定理表明信号的采样率至少为信号带宽两倍,才能无失真地恢复原始信号。
By analyzing the relationship between the Shannon capacity and Nyquist rate and exploiting the large dimensional random matrix theory, it is demonstrated that the digital transmission system based on frames can achieve the Shannon capacity of band-limited AWGN channel asymptotically. 通过分析Nyquist符号率与Shannon容量的关系,并利用大维随机矩阵理论,从理论上证明了基于框架的广义多载波传输系统可以渐近地取得带限AWGN信道的Shannon容量。
Compressed sensing ( CS) is a new signal acquisition method. It enables signals to be sampled below the Nyquist rate given that the signal is sparse, with an accurate reconstruction. 压缩感知理论是一种新的信息获取方法,能够以远低于耐奎斯特定律的采样速率对稀疏信号进行采样,并精确地进行重构。
Occupied bandwidth ( OB) and necessary bandwidth ( NB) are discussed, and it is emphasized that the research on "breaking through Nyquist rate" must be done in the sense of NB. 提出占用带宽和必要带宽的概念,指出突破Nyquist速率的研究必须基于必要带宽才有意义。
It can be proven that, in the sense of NB, any system relying on linear inverse mapping to demodulate symbols cannot exceed Nyquist rate, unless it gives up orthogonality and adopts maximum-likelihood ( ML) demodulation. 证明了采用逆映射解调的系统不可能在必要带宽意义下突破Nyquist速率。为了突破这一限制,必须放弃正交约束并采用最大似然(ML)解调。
The vigorous theory of compressed sensing ( CS) provides a very simple and effective signal acquisition method, which can sample signal below the Nyquist rate and recover the original signal by means of reconstruction algorithm. 蓬勃发展的压缩感知(CompressedSensing)理论提供了一种非常简单有效的信号获取方式,借助于重构算法它可以用低于奈奎斯特率的采样来恢复原始信号。
If selected properly, the number of measurement can be much smaller than that needed by the Nyquist rate sample. 如果选择适当,测量数目可以比Nyquist速率采样的数目小得多。
The emerging theory of compressed sensing ( Compressed Sensing, CS), point out that if the signal is sparse or compressible, wecan go to sample by the rate which much lower than the Nyquist sampling rate. 而新兴的压缩感知理论(CompressedSensing,CS)指出只要信号是稀疏的或者是可压缩的,我们就能以远低于奈奎斯特的采样速率对信号进行采样并能够精确的重构出原始稀疏信号。
The experiment results show that ORTH is more efficient than conventional OFDM in approaching Nyquist rate. 实验表明,与传统的OFDM相比,ORTH在逼近Nyquist速率方面具有更高的实现效率。
The signal sampling process is restricted by the Nyquist sampling theorem, which requires that the sampling rate must be 2 times greater than the input signal frequency. 而信号采样过程受到奈奎斯特采样定理的限制,它要求采样率必须大于输入信号频率的2倍以上。
However, Traditional Nyquist Sampling theorem requires sampling rate of signal no less than twice the signal bandwidth, which is impossible for the ability of signal processing. 而传统的奈奎斯特采样定理要求信号的采样率不低于信号带宽的两倍,这无疑给信号的处理能力提出了更高的要求。
The theory broke the bounds of the Nyquist Sampling Theorem, which reduce the sampling rate and save system resources. 该理论提出打破了奈奎斯特抽样定理的束缚,不仅降低了采样率,而且大大地节约了系统资源。
According to the CS theory, sparse signals can be sampled by using sampling rates much lower than Nyquist Rate. Meanwhile, the original signals can be recovered or approximated with high probability by using specified reconstruction algorithms. 根据压缩感知理论,对于稀疏信号,可以利用远低于奈奎斯特速率的压缩采样技术进行采样;同时,借助于特定的重构算法可以通过压缩采样值以大概率还原或逼近原始信号。
It processes the signal by global observations under the rate far below the Nyquist rate rather than local sampling. And then it recovers the original signal from observation values by appropriate reconstruction algorithm. 其思想是对稀疏信号以远低于奈奎斯特速率进行全局观测而非局部采样,然后用适当的重构算法从观测值中还原出原始信号。
Traditional signal processing is based on the Nyquist sampling theorem, in which the signal is usually sampled firstly and then compressed, and the signal sampling and processing rate must be higher than the Nyquist frequency. 传统的信号处理是以奈奎斯特采样定理为基础的,信号通常先采样后压缩,而且必须以高于奈奎斯特频率的速率对信号进行采样和处理。
Second, based on the performance in the sense of OB, it is proven that NMT can break through Nyquist rate. 其次,以占用带宽意义下的系统性能为基础,证明了在必要带宽意义下NMT可以突破Nyquist速率。